Clean Your Gutters Every YearHard to believe, but it is almost spring. As the old saying goes, April showers bring May flowers. But before those April showers arrive, it is extremely important that you have your gutters checked and cleaned out. Gutter cleaning is often an overlooked piece of home maintenance, but it is nonetheless extremely important!

While it is ideal to have your gutters cleaned once a season, it is especially important to do so prior to spring. Why? During the fall months dead leaves fall from trees and accumulate in your gutters. There, if not cleaned out, they become frozen over by winter precipitation, which serves to compact the leaves in your gutters. During the spring thaw, the leaves decompose rapidly leaving a thick organic sludge that serves as a mini hoover dam in your gutters. Of course your gutters were never designed to take this weight so when the “April Showers” arrive, the water weight plus the organic sludge can make gutter systems fail. Often times gutters will start to pull off the fascia board, sag, and rust out the bottom. This means expensive repairs!

At Carolina Hurriclean our crew of professionals will carefully inspect your gutters and perform gutter cleaning service wherever needed in the Cary/Triangle area. We are already taking appointments for this all important part of spring cleaning! Call today to schedule your gutter cleaning!

(919) 889-0733

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